Have you ever taken a big bite out of a hamantasch, the traditional three-cornered pastry eaten at Purim time, thinking that it was prune-filled only to realize that it was actually mohn or poppy seed. Although poppy seed continues to be the most popular filling for hamantaschen, my personal preference is for anything but mohn. But these muffins are the exception to that rule. Lemon poppy seed muffins are an…
Lunch dates with my friend Shoshana at our favorite café is one of the many things that I miss these days. At the appointed time, we would meet, hugging one another like long lost relatives, no matter that we already spoke on the phone twice that morning and saw each other three days ago. After having resolved the crucially important issue of where we should sit, we would study the…
For the last few years I have been sending out breakfast-in-a-bag on Purim morning as mishloach manot, the food gift that we send to one another in honor of the holiday. Consisting of a freshly baked muffin or two, yogurt, orange juice and a bag of homemade granola, it can be easily assembled with a minimal amount of advance preparation and lets family and friends know that I’m thinking of…
The Only Banana Bread You’ll Ever Need
When I flipped through the pages of Samantha Server’s latest cookbook, Midwest Made: Big Bold Baking from the Heartland, the title of this recipe, The Only Banana Bread You’ll Ever Need, made me stop for a minute. Banana bread? I haven’t made banana bread in 20 years. I don’t even buy bananas anymore. However the picture of this banana bread with its sugary, crunchy topping sent me rushing out to…
Having company for brunch is one of my favorite ways of entertaining. It’s a relaxing way to catch up with family and friends and there’s inevitably something that satisfies the appetite of even the pickiest eater – blueberry muffins and fruit anyone? However, the late morning timing of brunch requires the host or hostess to be on their game. Organization is the key to pulling together a variety of foods…
Have you ever walked into your favorite coffee shop and eyed those big, beautiful blueberry muffins in the pastry case only to be disappointed when you actually bite into one. Today we’re going to rectify that experience. We’re going to make my favorite blueberry muffins. Bursting with an abundance of sweet and tart blueberries and brightened with a hint of tangy lemon, these muffins are tender, moist and easy to…